Details for this torrent 

Command & Conquer (C&C) Generals
Games > Mac
1.61 GB

+0 / -0 (0)

Oct 17, 2006

This is the Full version of C&C (version 1.0) Generals.

You\'ll need to use Toast or some other disc burning app to burn a hard copy of this to DVD, otherwise using Toast or Disk Image Mounter won\'t work. Otherwise, this works 100%. No serial required. Thanks to the good ol\' folks at Pantip Plaza for this. 

Now does anyone have the C&C ZERO HOUR expansion?


Damn. I accidentally clicked on 1 star for the quality rating. Oh well.. tell me how well my machine seeds. This is the first torrent I've ever made. Ever. Really. Hope it works.
ARGH. I hate my ISP! Fcuking morons don't know sh1t about sh1t. Dickheaded connection keeps dropping. I hope someone DLs this quick so everyone can have a more reliable seeder.

My Timezone is GMT+7 EST Bangkok and my 'puter will be online from 9am-8pm for the next 2 weeks, otherwise It'll only be online from 6pm-11pm when school opens again. I dunno about the rest of you but at the place I'm staying at I don't pay for electricity and boarding so I've got to follow the rules on power conservation.

Once again. DAMN my ISP! Mo-fos.
Thanks for the up man! Is this universal? (ie will it work on an intel mac?)
This came out before the Intel macs. I don't think it's UB, so it might just run on Rosetta.
Universal binary update is under development. It runs fine on my MacPro under rosetta, however some graphicbug makes the ground show in strange colors(under rosetta).
can anybody seed this? im downloading game for some month 20% still... i promise to ssed for a long while!
Stuck on 30%, please seed...
Seed, stuck on 25%
Seed plz
Come on seed! i will seed i promise
Stuck at 30.06%, need a seed please.
30% and no more, has been so for a week now.
Stopped at 30%.... Seeds please??
what is seed plz tell me at swedish

Sorry 'bout the being stuck at 30%. I had to re-seed this after something weird happened with Bitorrent (it stopped seeding... even though I'm th friggin main seeder). After that my connection just stuffed up and i've been with no internet access for almost a month (or about a month or so...) Now it seems to be seeding again... though I'm 'borrowing' the connection from someone else. I'll try re-seeding again from my workplace so I can get faster speeds :D.
Seeding means kukslickare in swedish for you who dont know that
im stuck on 53.6%, I had it downloading at 600KB's to begin with and now it's just sitting there :(

anyone having similar problems?
Yeh!! man i got exaktly same problem!! stuck at 53,6 before that it was about 600kb/s :S
Seed please ... 53.6% :(
ai ai ai. ultra-stuck at 1GB.. Please provide a seed so we can take over!
Seed plz. Stuck at 68%
Sorry make that 64.0%
stuk at 64% SEEd
Seeding again. I really hate this ISP. I brought my computer to work and now I'm seeding from work using the school's connection. Supposedly faster than my home connection... doesn't seem so.
comon seed!!! stuck at 93%...

Any1 need a specific file just ask ;)

Can you please start seeding again, we need less than 7 percent to go. This is taking forever.
Yeah man - 3 days and counting. Maybe santa will bring us the seed!
93.1% since three days now ... :(

Please seed ...
... and have a Merry Christmas !
Could someone please seed... I'm stuck at 93% =(
93.1%!!?? come on, even 0.01% more will make me happy right about now...zzz.zzzzzz
Mmmh, would someone please help us getting this one completed? Thanks dudes...
Please start seeding again!
Please seed stuck on 97%
seed =(!
seed please!
seed seed
pleas seed
pleas sead
ok the speed of this was going so well then immediately slowed down to nothing it seems, now i got 95.82% of the file and downloading at 0.0KB/s whats up with that!!! i want this game!!! Please seed!!!
Whats wrong with this game? It wont even mount or burn!?!? i copied it over to the hd, will not play certain lvls, corrupted movie files! whats the deal?
Iraes your supposed to burn it onto DVD then install, read the below instructions from the poster of this torrent before doing anything... also if you have it all, why dont you seed it, alot of others here havent gotten it yet!!! including me....
one day since i have starteed d/l'ing this and i still haven't gotten 100% yet, this is rediculous come on people!!! SEED please!
95.8% for several days now.. plz start seeding again.. almost there..
Please start seeding again.
OK: If 90% of the leechers paused their leech we could plant a new seed!: Stuck at 95+%? Pause your leech! It's just stupid when 70 people are fighting for the bandwidth of this one seeder; none of us will get it down!!
Am at 95,38 Paused for a week already.. Skeldoy's right. If your on 90 or above pause your leech. We might get somewhere with this one...
Seed for gods sake!:P i'm stuck at 95.8, can sombody please sead!
does anyone know where to get the zero hour expansion?
SEED! Someone plis seed?=)
pliiis? seed!
How do i seed?
Im stuck! Someone help?
I'm stuck at 95.8%...! Please seed! Seems to be a common problem. Thanks
Re-seed? please seed again. COMMON!!
Im stuck at 95.8!!
Please seed up! Ive been d/l ing for 2 weeks now, and have been stuck at 95% for ten days. Please please please seed up!
Hi folks, I'm at 96% too from two weeks!!!
Arghhh Please, seed it!
Argh!!! more than 99%.... how do we find a seeder?
c'mon almost 3 months allrady and still 99,1% please someone seed
99.1 % plz seed someone
why am i stuck at 99.1 %?
can someone help me
what is wrong? 99.1 % what do i do?
Hello the animaster, can you please let me download the last bit? I have 160mb downloaded and need the last 1mb. It has taken me over a week to download this much and it would be sad not to get the last bit. Please...
Hello the animaster, can you please let me download the last bit? I have 160mb downloaded and need the last 1mb. It has taken me over a week to download this much and it would be sad not to get the last bit. Please...
and yes i have the expansion.
please SEED!!! I'm stucked in 99.1% for the last 2 weeks!!! Thanks...
Seed for gods sake! Seed! Seed!!!
OH man Could someone SEED I'm at 99.3% Im going crazy over here! TIA!!
hey i'm stuck at 99.1%
where's the seeder !!
HaHa 99,1% :P
please seed!!!

99,1 % since a week...
Come on! Please seed!!! I'm on 99,1%!!! I'll seed for the night if you seed for 5 minz... i really want this game
Grab it at Mininova instead, there you have a lot of seeders.
I downloaded this and thought it was horrible. I couldn't change any of the options and it ran terribly slow on my 2.33 GHz.
please seed!
I'm stucked @ 99%...
what exactly do you burn. I burnt the .toast file and it still says i need to insert the disk
Anyone found a torrent for zero hour yet?
anyone at all?